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Makes 12 muffins

Wake up with a muffin that's delicious, loaded with fiber and heart-healthy oat bran, and isn't made with fat.


  • Canola oil for oiling the muffin pan
    2 large green cooking apples
    2 cups whole-wheat pastry flour
    1 cup unbleached white flour
    1 1/4 cups oat bran
    2 1/2 teaspoons baking soda
    1 teaspoon cinnamon
    1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
    1 12-ounce can apple-juice concentrate, thawed
    1 cup water


  • 1. Heat oven to 325 degrees F.
    Lightly oil a muffin pan for 12 muffins. Peel and core apples; chop them coarsely. Set aside.
    2. In a mixing bowl, stir together pastry flour, white flour, oat bran, baking soda, cinnamon, and nutmeg.
    3. Add thawed apple-juice concentrate, chopped apples, and enough water to make a light batter.
    4. Mix just enough to moisten all ingredients. Divide batter among the muffin cups and bake till lightly browned, 25-30 minutes.
    5. Remove muffins from cups while hot.
Apple oat-bran muffins

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